New York rolls out tax credit for OT costs on farms
New York Agriculgure & Markets Commissioner Richard Ball discusses the roll out of a refundable tax credit for farmers.
State looks to ward off bird flu in dairy cows
Dr. Carie Telgen discusses efforts to prevent New York dairy cows from contracting the bird flu.
Exploring the farm to food pantry pipeline
Assembly Agriculture Committee Chair Donna Lupardo discusses the administration of the Nourish New York program.
New York looks to grow its community gardens
The state Department of Agriculture and Markets is investing in community and urban gardens around New York.
State updates food product recall guidance for businesses
State Department of Ag & Markets Deputy Commissioner Jennifer Trodden talks food safety.
New York’s food safety inspection process
Understanding New York's food inspection operation, from farm to plate.
Combining young people, technology and farming
Assemblymember Carrie Woerner wants to form an agriculture technology competition for New York students.
Marijuana farmers need market for last year’s crops
Assemblymember Donna Lupardo discusses proposals to help farmers sell unsold cannabis from last year's growing season.
Mixed budget for New York farmers
New York Farm Bureau Director of Public Policy Jeff Williams responds to the recently adopted state budget.
A future with farming and solar power generation
A recent state study looked at how agriculture and solar energy generation can co-exist in New York.