Capitol Notes
Your destination for reporting that goes above and beyond The Capitol Pressroom’s daily audio output.
Survey: More than 4% of New Yorkers are ‘problem gamblers’
Long-awaited state study breaks down prevalence of gambling addiction in New York.
Wide array of interests weigh in on development of downstate casinos
Elected officials, business leaders and gambling interests weigh in on downstate casino development.
Addabbo: Only computer servers stand in the way of online sports wagering
The start of mobile sports wagering is likely only weeks away in New York.
Suozzi opposes New York unilaterally assigning cost to carbon
U.S. Rep. Tom Suozzi says it would be a mistake for New York to adopt the CCIA.
Senate Higher Ed chair defers to SUNY trustees on future of Malatras
Senate Higher Education Committee Chair Toby Stavisky isn't weighing in on the fate of SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras
‘Elder Parole’ advocates hone in on majority Senate support
Progressive criminal justice advocates hunt for four Democratic senators to back 'Elder Parole' bill
Transcripts: AG releases interviews with top Cuomo allies
AG Tish James releases interview transcripts with top Cuomo administration staff.
State releases long-awaited plan for eliminating hepatitis C
More than two years after a hepatitis c elimination task force last convened, the DOH releases their report
State eviction moratorium extension unlikely
Legal Aid Society staff attorney Ellen Davidson says there's no indication the moratorium law lasts beyond Jan. 15.