Audio Vault
Welcome to the Audio Vault for The Capitol Pressroom, where you can find every conversation with host David Lombardo.
Listen to the past episodes:
Independent advocate for New Yorkers with disabilities
A state program is supposed to help New Yorkers with disabilities navigate the supports and services available to them.
More New Yorkers calling 9-8-8 hotline
State Mental Health Commissioner Ann Sullivan explains how New Yorkers are utilizing the 9-8-8 hotline.
Preparing for detours in New York’s Empire State Trail
State policymakers want to ensure that functional detours are in place when needed on the 750-mile Empire State Trail.
State budget director discusses NY’s fiscal picture
State Budget Director Blake Washington swung by The Capitol Pressroom studio to talk about New York's finances.
State education officials downplay meaning of statewide test results
State Education Commissioner Betty Rosa points to a variety of ways localized test results can help educators.
Police encouraged to conduct ‘child-sensitive’ arrests
State lawmakers want to direct law enforcement to implement child-sensitive arrest procedures.
State agencies purchasing more New York food
State agencies are striving to procure at least 30 percent of their food purchases from New York producers by 2027.
New York rolls out tax credit for OT costs on farms
New York Agriculgure & Markets Commissioner Richard Ball discusses the roll out of a refundable tax credit for farmers.
Taking stock of gun violence in New York
New York reported a decline in shootings in communities participating in the Gun Involved Violence Elimination initiative.