Audio Vault
Welcome to the Audio Vault for The Capitol Pressroom, where you can find every conversation with host David Lombardo.
Listen to the past episodes:
Investing in New York’s workforce
The NY Association for Training and Employment Professionals is pushing a $150 million investment in workforce development.
The return on New York’s investment in new Buffalo Bills home
Investigative Post Editor Jim Heaney sheds light on the details behind a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills.
AARP advocates for seniors in budget process
AARP New York Legislative Representative Bill Ferris outlines policies to add to the final budget to help seniors.
Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins talks budget
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins discusses some of the budget priorities for Senate Democrats.
Running the numbers on legislature’s budget wish lists
Analyzing the taxing and spending priorities formally adopted by the majorities in the Assembly and Senate.
‘Good Cause’ language stirs up internal Democratic debate
Sen. James Skoufis shares reservations about language in the Senate's budget resolution that backs "Good Cause" legislation.
Film production subsidies championed by governor and lawmakers
Reinvent Albany Executive Director John Kaehny argues against a planned expansion of subsidies for film and tv productions.
New marketing restriction for businesses connected to the lottery
Will a marketing rule change from state regulators make it harder for players in the lottery business to compete?
CUNY faculty urge investment in public higher education
Professional Staff Congress President James Davis argues the governor's budget fails the CUNY system and its students.