Comptroller Tom DiNapoli on pension fund and contract oversight
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli discusses the state pension fund's returns, including what they mean for taxpayers moving forward.
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli on restoration of oversight powers
The state comptroller discusses a bill bringing back his office’s pre-audit authority.
Tom DiNapoli discusses the year ahead
In 2022, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli wants the restoration of his office's oversight powers over state spending.
December 17, 2019: Comptroller Tom DiNapoli
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli stopped by the Hut to discuss the latest projects his office has been working on and the reestablishment of his pre-audit oversight powers.
Comptroller DiNapoli tries to invest with purpose
State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli explains how he tries to use the state's retirement fund to influence business practices.
DiNapoli forecasts tough budget choices in 2024
State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli discusses his office's analysis of the state's updated financial plan.
Comptroller DiNapoli analyzes the state budget
Comptroller Tom DiNapoli considers what the adopted budget means for future budgets, his oversight and the use of OT.
Comptroller DiNapoli discusses headlines from the Capitol
New York Comptroller Tom DiNapoli discusses his oversight powers and a Congressional inquiry into state unemployment fraud.
DiNapoli talks budget oversight, rainy days and Buffalo Bills
Gov. Kathy Hochul is hoping to keep billions of dollars of state spending outside of the comptroller's pre-audit authority.
DiNapoli not keen on term limit proposal
State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli won't be campaigning for Gov. Kathy Hochul's term limit proposal.