New leader for council helping steer state parks system
Bryan Erwin discusses his new role as chair of the state Council on Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation.
Demand for offshore wind energy sparks rush for coastal waters
A federal auction of coastal waters in the Northeast generated more than $4 billion in lease deals from six firms.
Hochul proposes big investment in New York’s parks
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Commissioner Erik Kulleseid talks about the proposed budget.
State looks to coordinate stakeholders in Adirondack and Catskill parks
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation has identified two coordinators to oversee the state’s preserves.
Unproven COVID-19 treatment sparks lawsuits
New Yorkers desperate to cure loved ones impacted by COVID-19 are trying to compel hospitals to administer unproven treatments.
Tragic loss sparks advocacy for other families
April 9, 2021 - As part of national child abuse prevention month, we're telling the story of Jacqueline Franchetti, founder of Kyra's Champions, a non-profit organization advocating for reforms designed to keep children safe. She started the movement
Few sparks in Health Commissioner Zucker’s long-awaited testimony to lawmakers
Feb. 26, 2021 - On Thursday, lawmakers heard testimony from the state’s Health Director, Dr. Howard Zucker, on the state’s pandemic response and the Governor’s budget proposal. Shannon Young, Health reporter for Politico NY, recapped the hearing for
Governor launches ‘unplug and play’ initiative
The head of the state parks and recreation discusses capital funding to support pools, playgrounds, and community buildings.
Boat safety training requirement takes full effect
We check in with the head of marine services in New York to discuss safety trainings for operators of motorized watercraft.
Old faces in new places in the legislature
The dust has settled (for now) in the latest game of musical chairs at the Capitol.