You searched for : Michelle Jackson

2101, 2021

Nonprofits find little relief in Cuomo’s proposed budget

By |January 21st, 2021|Categories: Capitol Pressroom|Comments Off on Nonprofits find little relief in Cuomo’s proposed budget

Jan. 21, 2021 - What does the Governor’s budget proposal mean for human services nonprofits in New York? We asked Michelle Jackson, Executive Director of the Human Services Council, when she joined the program.

1108, 2020

Nonprofits pushed to the brink by Cuomo policies

By |August 11th, 2020|Categories: Capitol Pressroom|Comments Off on Nonprofits pushed to the brink by Cuomo policies

Aug 11, 2020 - In non-pandemic times, the state’s health care nonprofits faced a tough financial situation. The pandemic and the budget crisis its created have only strengthen these financial woes. We discussed the situation with Michelle Jackson,

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