Senator Salazar on 2025 criminal justice agenda
Senator Julia Salazar is hoping to address parole for older New Yorkers and a host of criminal justice policies in 2025.
Senator Salazar discusses planned prison closings
Senator Julia Salazar, a Brooklyn Democrat, explains why she supports the governor's closure of two upstate prisons.
Mandatory court fees eyed for extinction
Sen. Julia Salazar hopes to end mandatory surcharges imposed on certain criminal matters and traffic infractions.
Ombudsman proposed to oversee New York’s prisons
State Sen. Julia Salazar makes the case for creating a new layer of government bureaucracy to oversee prisons and jails.
NYC rent board is focus for affordable housing debate
State Sen. Julia Salazar, a Brooklyn Democrat, explains the working of the Rent Guidelines Board in New York City.
Senate crime and corrections leader discusses 2023 session
State Sen. Julia Salazar, a Brooklyn Democrat, talks about parole reform, the governor's budget and overseeing prisons.
Progressives balk at Hochul’s chief judge nominee
State Sen. Julia Salazar discusses her opposition to Judge Hector LaSalle leading the New York Court of Appeals.
Finding funding for public housing repairs
State Sen. Julia Salazar explains a new law designed to make funding available for thousands of apartments overseen by NYCHA.
Cartoonist documents her year in Planet Albany’s orbit
Following Julia Salazar’s primary victory for state senate in 2018, cartoonist Sofia Warren embedded with the Brooklyn socialist.
Senator readies for ‘Good Cause’ fight
State Sen. Julia Salazar is hoping that 2022 is the year for a bill providing broad protections for New York tenants.