State policymakers strike compromise on education aid
New York Council of School Superintendents Deputy Director Bob Lowry discusses funding for schools in the state budget.
Education stakeholders propose new teacher evaluation framework
New York Council of School Superintendents Deputy Director Bob Lowry discusses future of teach evaluations.
Schools brace for a return to normalcy
State Council of School Superintendents Deputy Director Bob Lowry discusses the 2022-2023 school year in New York.
Education stakeholders react to school funding report
Representatives of the state's school boards and superintendents respond to a report on education aid distribution.
Policymakers look to increase teacher diversity
Legislation would require state education officials to issue guidance to districts on encouraging a career in teaching.
School leaders optimistic about the future
School superintendents around New York shared their optimism about the education landscape in a new statewide survey.
Educators in limbo waiting for state guidance for new school year
Schools around New York are waiting for the state health officials to issue rules for in-person instruction.
Relaxed state COVID-19 guidelines not changing much for older students
April 22, 2021 - Federal and state health officials may have relaxed social distancing guidelines for schools, but New York State Council of School Superintendents Deputy Director Bob Lowry says that may not change much for students in
Schools wait for state guidance on reducing social distancing restrictions
Mar. 23, 2021 - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released revised social distancing guidelines for schools. Bob Lowry, Deputy Director for Advocacy, Research and Communications at New York State Council of School Superintendents, and Dr.
What should Cuomo do with $4 billion in federal education aid?
Dec. 30, 2020 - What does the federal stimulus package mean for New York’s schools? Bob Lowry, Deputy Director for Advocacy, Research and Communications at New York State Council of School Superintendents, explained.