You searched for : Anna Kelles

2406, 2021

Freshman state lawmaker wages uphill environmental campaign

By |June 24th, 2021|Categories: Capitol Pressroom|Comments Off on Freshman state lawmaker wages uphill environmental campaign

Assemblymember Anna Kelles, an Ithaca Democrat, talks about the unsuccessful campaign she led during her freshman year to restrict cryptocurrency mining operations gobbling up fossil fuels in New York. We explore what this effort taught her about Albany and get other reflections about the Capitol.

1109, 2020

Heading to Albany: Self-proclaimed ‘dork’ brings science background to Capitol

By |September 11th, 2020|Categories: Capitol Pressroom|Comments Off on Heading to Albany: Self-proclaimed ‘dork’ brings science background to Capitol

Sept. 11, 2020 - We continued our Heading to Albany series. In this latest installment, we met Anna Kelles, a Tompkins County legislator who won a crowded Democratic primary to succeed a retiring Assemblymember in Ithaca.

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